Check out our home at the YMCA
See our display at the Dow Bay Area Family YMCA Today.
Become a lifetime voting member: Your $30 Lifetime Membership helps support our organization.
PayPal or mail form and check payable to Bay County Sports HOF to:
Bay County Sports Hall of Fame
PO Box 121
Essexville, MI 48732
Adamowski, Bob
Adams, Bill
Adams, Doug
Adams, Mark
Adams, Rod
Adcock, Tim
Adelman, Gary
Adelman, Melvyn
Mrs. Adelman, Gary
All Saints Athletic Club
Allsopp, Bill
American Amusement Vending
Anderson, Paul
Anderson, Robert
Anderson, Steven
Anderson, Jill
Arsenault, Branden
Arsenault, Jason
Arsenault, Josh
Arsenault, Robert
Asel, Dale
Asel, Steve
Asel-Templin, Tammy
Atkari, Allen
Atkari, Chuck
Ayotte, Tim
George Babcock
Donald Bach
Tony Baciagalupo
Art Bakeraitis
M. Dolores Barron-Rogers
Kirk Bascom
Tim Bauer
Heather Bauman
Clint Beane
Jack Beattie
Darcia L. Beazley-Darbee
Wayne Beckrow
Majorie Begick
Norbert Begick
Vaughn Begick
Vera Begick
Cheryl Begick Ruthig
Group Beiser
Bill Bell
Carlie Bell
David Bell
Delbert Benson
John Berent
Gail Berg
Jerry Berg
Michael Bergen
Katie Bergeron
Don Bethune
Ed Bialek
Pat Bierlien
Jeff Bisel
Brian Bishop
William C. Biskner
Beth Blakeley
Char Blumenstein
Robert Blumenstein
Scott Blumenstein
Ray Boks
Thomas Bolduc
Joe Bommarito
Bob Bomount
Ryan Boon
BC Booster Club
Anthony Bosco
Tim Boutell
Mareen Brady
Pat Brady
Kathy Brannigan
Ed Brengman
Mike Brennan
Pat Brennan
Winifred F. Brennan
Karl Briggs
Nancy Brissette
Paul Brissette
Ralph Brissette
Stan Bromberg
Eric Brookhouse
Jay Brooks
Karen Brown
Alan L. Bryant
Jeff Bryant
Marjoray L. Buerkel
Brian Bukowski
Dr. Hilary Busch
John Busch
Laurie Bush
John Calvin
Pru Calvin
Ozzie Cavazos
George Charles
Jim Chesney
Paul Ciosek
Rose Cipriano
Dave Clark
Don Clark
Shirley Clemens
Edward Clements
Sherry Clements
Marshall Coggins
Linda Collier
Chris Connors
Esther Connors
Maureen Connors
Mile Connors
Jon Conway
Mark Conway
Perry Conway
Steve Conway
Jeff Cook
John Cook
Dick Corcoran
Vicki Courts
Mike Coyer
Tom Cramer
Chuck Craves
Brenda Crump
Dennis Cull
Christopher Cunningham
Donna Cunningham
O.J. Cunningham
Eric Curtis
Rick Czap
Gerald R. Dalrymple
Jon Dammer
Fran Danek
Paul Dannesberger
Bill Darbee
Bob Darbee
Dacia Darbee
Jayna Darbee
Kaylene Darbee
Kimble Darbee
Mike Darbee
Stacy Darbee
Don David
Robert Davidson
Frank A. Davis
Walt Davis
Dr. Michael Davison
Wendy Davison
Michael Debo
Joel DeLorge
Jim Deming
Karen Deming
Rock Denham
Bill Dewyse
Jeff Doan
Tim Dobrinski
Jimmie Dobson
Ledesma Domingo
Al Doner
Arthur Dore
Colleen Dore
Mike Dore
Al Doty
Merrilee Doty
Stefanie Doty-Wilson
Pat Doyle
Harold Drenberg
Ray Duch
Beth Ducolon
Larry Dull
Dale Dunham
Dru Dunham
Ty Dunham
Michael Duranczyk
Dinah DuRussel
Tom DuRussel
Andy Dwan
Lou Economou
Jim Eigner
Greg Elliot
Jay Elowsky
Chris Elzinga
Mark Elzinga
Elaine Embrey
Nicole Enciso
John Engel
Emily Engel Schubert
Dan Engelhardt
Phile Engelhardt
George Escamilla
Dr. Kevin Fegan
Matthew Felan
Katherine Feller
Kurt Feller
James G. Fitzgerald
David Flower
James Flower
Tim Floyd
Jon Foco
Ken Fowler
Jay Fox
Jim Fox
Franks Great Outdoors
Chuck Frantz
Morley Fraser
Randall Frederick
Gary Frieders
Rita Fryzel
Mark Furhman
Michael Gaken
Sue Gannser
Victor Gannser
Mary Garcia
Joe Garrett
Charles Gatza
Chris Gavrila
Ed Gavrila
Mark Gerisch
Rex Gibson
Chris Girard
Richard Glaza
Susan Glaza
Ed Gledhill
Charlie Glocksine
Don Glowicki
Gina Glowicki
Greg Glowicki
Sally Glowicki
Theresa Glowicki
Cindy Glowicki-Ohrt
Kim Glowicki-Ruterbusch
Eric R. Goetz
Brent Goik
Craig Goslin
Steve Goss
Marsha Gottesman
Martin Gottesman
Joel Gougeon
Geni Grant
Jerry Grant
Irene Green
Wendy Greenwood
Guy R. Greve
Ric Greve
Shelly Gromaski
Jerry Goss
Roy Groulx
Michael Gruber
Mike Grumbley
Amy Gruszynski-Geer
Andy Gwizdala
Bev Gwizdala
Gregory A. Gwizdala
Bud Hahn
Alan M. Hall
John Halstead
Ken Hamlin
James Hammond
Mike Hanisko
Rosalinn Hardy
Dick Harmon
Mike Harpham
Bill Harris
Don Harris
Jeff Hart
Bob Hartwig
Dick Hartwig
James Hartwig
Ed Harvey
Dennis Hayes
Bob Heinz
Tim Heinz
Jerry Henning
Wayne Herbolsheimer
Cheryl Heritier
Bill Herrera
Doug Herringshaw
Janeen Hetzler
Steve Hickner
Thomas Hickner
Roger Hill
Dale Hofmeister Jr.
Harold Holcomb
Eli Holes
Paul Holyszko
FW Horak
Mike Horner
Shelby Houston
Bill Howard
David Howard
James Howard
James Hoyle
Tom Huiskens
Dave Hunt
Mike Iannacchione
David Ivey
Michelle Ivey
Al Izykowski
Stan Izykowski
Judith Jaffe
Mark Jaffe
Davidson James
Mark Janke
John Jatczak
Jon Jeczmionka
Guy Jeffrey
Betty Johnson
J.K. Johnson
Joyce Johnson
Robert Johnson
Jerry Jones
T.K. Jones
Jerry Jopke
Bill Jurgens
Mrs. Marie Kaczmarek
Bonnie Kanicki
Jim Kanicki
Ben Karbowski
Edward Karbowski
Karen Karner-Michalak
Mike Kasperski
Connie Katt
Jim Katt
Mindy Katt
Robert Katt
Tom Kayner
Ken Keeley
John Kellerman
Glen Kendall
Barry Kenniston
Neil Kent
Steve Kent
Mike Kern
Steve Kessler
Bob Kinney
Thomas Kinney
Peter Kirchman
Anthony Klapish
Bob Klapish
Karen Klawinski
Larry Klawinski
Jack Klein
Kim Klein
Ned Kleinke
David Klippert
Ashley Kloha
Pat Kotewa
Andy Kowalczyk
Mary Krause
Tom Krawczyk
Don Krzysiak
Mark Krzysiak
Gerald Kukla
James Kurchak
Nicole Kurchak
Glenda Labadie
Lori LaFare
Mallory Lahar
Ed Langenburg
Jerry Langenburg
Kathy Langenburg
Scott Langenburg
Roland LaPan
Loreen Laracey
Mike LaRose
Mike Laskowski
Virginia Laskowski
John Laverty
D. Brian Law
Gerald Leahy
Richard Learman
Robert Learman
Jason LeCronier
James A. Lefler
Susan Leonard
Tim LeVasseur
John Ley
Kimberly Lock
Dean Lockwood
Bradley G. Lodewyk
John Loop
Tom Luczak
Carolyn Luptowski
Mike Luptowski
Oren Lusher
Sylvia Lusk
Brad Lynch
George Lynch
Bruce MacDonald
Jack MacKenzie
Maureen MacKenzie
Gene Magryta
Bill Mahoney
Eric Maillette
John Maillette
Paul Majchrzak
Ron Majeske
Michael Major
Robert Malecki
John Manke
Ruth Manke
William Marchlewicz
Keith Markstrom
Ken Marotzke
Larry Martin
Mr. Marx
Earl Mast
Elise Mast
Victor Matuszewski
Tom Matusezewski Family
Mari Mauro
David Maxin
Julie McCallum
Kenneth McComb
Terry McDermott
Tim McDonald
John McDonell
Nancy McGuire
Bob Meadows
Tom Merkle
Gary Meyer
Matt Mieske
David Mikolajczak
Ivan Miller
Jerry Miller
Keith Miller
Thomas Miller
Tom Miller
Sharon Mitchell
Kevin Mixer
Thomas Mohar
John Moltane
Mary Monville
Christy Morand
Donald Morey
John Morosi
Jon Morosi
Carol Morse
Randy Morse
Ron Morse
Dick Mosier
Larry Moultine
Isabel Mrozinski
Bill Muehlenbeck
Tom Muir
Richard Munley
Fred R. Murawski
Terry Musser
Robert Nagy
Roger Nagy
Allan T. Napieralski
Robbin Navarro
Fred Neering
Fred Neitzke
David Nelsen
Jack Nesbitt
Jim Nesbitt
Scott Newcomb
Jeff Newingham
Chad Newton
Dave Niedzielski
Lois Niemann
Rich Niemann
Art Nixon
Bart Nixon
John Nixon
Kevin Nixon
John Northrup
Gary Nuttal
Tom Olson
Charles O’Neil
Pat O’Shea
Dean Oswald
Monte Oswald
Betty Owen
Jean Pabalis
Tom Pacynski
Pete Pafford
Bruce Patterson
George Patterson
James Patterson
Catherine Pembroke
Chad Pembroke
David Pembroke
Jim Pembroke
John Pembroke
Kathy Pembroke
Tammy Pembroke
Thomas Pembroke
Jason Penberthy
Jame Peplinski
Joseph Pergande
Dave Petrosky
Verna Petrosky
Paul Pett
Judity Pfundt
Roger Pfundt
Penny Phelps
Paul Phillips
John Pike
Larry Potrowski
Carol Poirier
Dennis Poirier
Lem Pomaville
Kris Popp
Jerry Prieskorn
Denise Przepiora
Wayne Purtell
Cheryl Raab
Eugene Rademacher
Matt Rademacher
Paul Radlinski
Irene Rechsteiner
Rick Rechsteiner
Scott Rechsteiner
James D. Reed
Mike Regulski
Rick Revette
Jess Reynolds
Tom Rhule
Dean M. Richards
Jerry Ricker
Mike Rivard
Williams Robb
Mike Robertson
Charlie Rochow
David Rogers
Robert Rogers
Larry Rosenburh
Paul Rowe
Jane Rugenstein
Louis P. Rupff
Ozella Ruppersberger
John Ruterbusch
Mike Rybak
Kendra Sabourin
Fred Sagady
Thomas Sampson
Ashley Sanak
Jeff Sanak
John Sanford
Joe Sasiela
Jane Sauve
Danny Sawyer
Jay Schabel
Betty Scherzer
Dan Scheuerlein
Roy Schiller
Jeremy Schlitt
J.W. Schmidt
Joseph Schmidt
Greg Schultz
William Schultz
B.J. Schwartz
Charles Schwartz
Dave Schwartz
William Seabald
Bill Seidenstucker
Dr. David Seifferly
Jerry Seifferly
Dennis Serafini
Cyhnthia Shaheen
Dr. Douglas Sharp
Kerry SHarp
Ron Sharp
Robert (Mike) Sheck
Joe Sheeran
Kloha Shelby
Robert I. Sherman
Paul Shyposki
Cyril Sieveke
Mike Simstad
Bob Skinner
Dave Skinner
Bonnie Sloan
Alan Slowinski
Graig Smigiel
Susan Smigiel
Ann Smith
Faye Smith
John Smith
Krista Smith
Namon Smith
Robb Smith
Robbie Smith
Scott Smith
Tom Smith
Jim Smith Family
Jerry Snable
Dan SNover
Allison Sobczak
Art Spector
M.J. Spence
Mrs. Jack Spencer
David Spencer
Jane St. Martin
Michael J. Stachowski
Kyle Stahl
Pam Stahl
Bill Stange
Louie Stanley
Steve Stanley
Bill Stapish
Tom Stasik
Gary Steadman
Gary Stefaniak
Ron Stelter
Fritzi Stevenson
Jason Stewart
Jim Still
John Strachan
Greg Strutelberg
Harry Stumpos
Don Styn
Jeff Sugden
Julie Sullivan
Shaun Sullivan
Tom Sullivan
Lawrence Sundberg
Murray Sutherland
Todd Sutton
Richard Syring
Gerald Szaeranski
Jeff Szczepanski
Carl W. Tacey
Melissa Tacey
Brian Tally
Chris Tanner
Paul Tanner
Russ Tanner
Jack Tany
Sam Tany
Joe Tany
Gordon Taylor
Dave Techlin
Mike Thayer
Ken Thomas
Dell Thompson
Diane Thompson
Jeff Wolfman Thompson
Lee Thompson
Jennifer Thunberg
Todd Thunberg
Karen Tighe
Brandi Tilley
Don Tilley
Patrick Tobin
Tim Tobin
Joe Todey
Ben Tomke
Michael Toth
Jerry Toyzan
Michael Toyzan
Paul Travis
Art Trombley
Bob Urban
Leo Urban
Jerry VanAlst
Jeanne Vanderwill
Ward Vanderwill
John VanLaan
Lisa Vega
Byron Veit II
Mike Vieau
Mike Villano
Duaine Vogel
John Volk
Barry Wackerle
Neil Wackerle
Randy Wackerle
James W. Wagner
Tim Walker
Brad Walraven
Mike Walsh
Bill Walter
Bill Washabaugh
Norma Washabaugh
Christopher Watz
Brian Weaver
JoAnne Weaver
Brad Wehner
T.J. Weist
Paul Wellman
Barb Wendland
Howard Wetters
Keith Wetters
Carolyn Wierda
Barry Wiescinski
Clayton Wilhite
Christopher Willertz
Jeff Williams
Marge Williams
Michael Williams
Keith Wilson
Mary Wilson
Michael Wiltse
Gwen Windiate
Aaron Wing
Bethany Wirgowski
Mike Wisniewski
Girard Wolf
John Wolf
Rev. Wolf
Lynn Wolgast
Nancy Wonch
Marvin Wood
Kyle Woodruff
Bill Wright
Tom Wuepper
Christopher Young
Doug Young
Matthew Young
Adam Zanotti
Andrew Zanotti
C.J. Zanotti
Mark Zanotti
Dave Zielnski
Jack Zientak
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Nomination is the first step to being inducted into the Bay County Sports Hall of Fame (HOF). No matter how significant the accomplishments of a team or individual may be, a nomination is necessary in order for that person or team to be considered for induction to the HOF and then placed on the ballot.
It should never be taken for granted that someone will be inducted. Do not assume that since you know all of the details concerning the greatness of a past legend, that this information is well known to everyone. In the past seven years, members of the Hall of Fame Board of Directors have reviewed the files of hundreds of potential inductees. But there is no possible way that all files on all qualified inductees could be gathered.
The nomination process is easy. All that is required is to submit the name of the team or individual on a Bay County Hall of Fame nominating form. In many cases, the Bay County Hall of Fame Board of Directors Nomination Screening Committee will do its own research on the candidates. But it is helpful to include the name of a contact person on the nomination form if additional information is required.
Before submitting a nomination form, please read the following criteria:
All nominees must have outstanding achievements and contributions in the field of athletics. Nominees must either have been born in Bay County or achieved athletic greatness in Bay County.
All nominees must have outstanding achievements and contributions in the field of athletics. Nominees must either have been born in Bay County or achieved athletic greatness in Bay County.
Front Row:
Back Row:
Information coming soon! |
A champion everywhere he roams, Vrable shattered records at Bay City Central then stood at the heart of one of the top college baseball teams in the nation at Coastal Carolina. The 2003 Central product set school records for hits and stolen bases in a career and finished among the leaders with 21 pitching wins. He batted .515 with 44 RBIs as a senior while leading the Wolves to their first Saginaw Valley League title in 19 years. The two-time all-stater also quarterbacked Central to two playoff berths in football. After leading Grand Rapids Junior College to the NJCAA World Series crown in 2004, he transferred to Coastal Carolina, helping the Chanticleers to the Big South Conference championship and a school record for wins. He led the team in batting average and stolen bases in 2006 and set program records for assists and putouts as a second baseman in 2007. He is now assistant coach at the University of Louisville, where he has helped the Cardinals win four ACC titles and make two World Series appearances. |
Scott Rybak – All Saints High School
Carly Sharp – Bay City Central High School
Erin Gajewski – Bay City Western High School
Justin Ross – Essexville Garber High School
Mary Kay Bolduc – Bangor John Glenn High School
Jay Kurowski – Pinconning High School
Jon Bork – All Saints High School
Robert Smith – Bay City Central High School
Michael Czabala – Bay City Western High School
Jennifer Flood – Essexville Garber High School
Sara Sopczynski – Bangor John Glenn High School
Lane LeBourdais – Pinconning High School
The Bay County Sports Hall of Fame Scholarship is intended to provide a means to reward personal excellence in athletics to high school seniors. Students involved in a Bay County high school athletic program may apply for this scholarship with a monetary value of $750.00.
Applicants receive consideration for this scholarship on the basis of:
Nominations can come in at any time but, to be considered for the current year, nominations must have been received by December 31 of the previous year. Forms are available in the program book, may be obtained from Board Members, can be found at the annual induction banquet or on our website.
The HOF Screening Committee spends the first two months of the year reviewing existing nominations and new nominations. The Board of Directors meets in February in order to get the ballot set to send to Lifetime Members.
In early March, ballots are mailed along with an informational document to all voting members. Voting members include all current and past Board of Directors, past inductees and all Life Members of the Bay County Sports Hall of Fame.
In a special meeting in April, Board members gather returned ballots mailed in by the voters and count them to determine who will be inducted.
In the middle of May, there is an Announcement Party in order to introduce the new inductees to the Bay County Sports Hall of Fame to the public.
Ticket sales begin. The Hall of Fame Board of Directors meets with the Sports Editor or representative of the Bay City Times and sets a schedule for photographs and weekly Sunday profiles of all elected inductees.
Master of Ceremonies, Music, Ticket Sales, Program Advertising Sales, Plaques and Banquet Room Preparation are all organized during this time frame.
The HOF Induction banquet is held each year on the second Sunday in November.